This Simple Lead Abatement Hack Will Save You Thousands

lead abatement hack

Three Easy Ways to Neutralize the Harmful Effects of Lead

We Took a Military Grade Lead Neutralizing Formula and Made it Kid-Safe

Lead abatement can be a nightmare, so much so that people will often forego the expense and the invasion of work crews. That’s why we developed a product that is not only thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars cheaper than lead abatement, it’s also quick and easy to use. Here’s three things you can do to reduce the harmful effects of lead by up to 99.5%:

1. Cleaning around window seals and door jams

This is pretty much a spray and wipe operation. Just spray LockUpLead Neutralizer on surface dust and then wipe it off. On contact our patented formula changes the lead on a molecular level, rendering it 100 times safer. Instead of being absorbed into the blood stream it will now flush right out.

2. Wet sanding

Most exposures are usually caused by lead dust and not kids sitting around the house snacking on paint chips. It’s therefore important to suppress the dust with moisture. With LockUpLead, however, you’re not only suppressing dust, you’re neutralizing it.

3. Repainting with a premium lead-neutralizing bonding primer

We’re not talking about just covering up lead with a luxurious bonding primer, we’re adding another layer of lead-neutralizing power.

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LockUPLead is EPA tested and has a full range of products for domestic and industrial use. Check out our video to see how easy and effective our products are:


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